Our Inspiration Story

Turning trauma into treasure.
A grandpa, a mom and a daughter...Education Seeds

Our inspiration is Leontine “Tina,” a gifted young Congolese girl attending a prestigious Catholic Boarding School in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Formerly known as Zaire) in the late 70s. Leontine’s father was a headmaster who knew his beautiful daughter was also intellectually gifted. When he decided to send his daughter to school, his countrymen thought it was ” a bad idea sending a girl to school” because a girl’s place was in the kitchen and taking care of her husband and children. He ignored them and proceeded to send his daughter to school anyways. Unfortunately for her, Leontine became pregnant in her senior year due to some unfortunate circumstances. She was aware of the shame that her condition brought to her family. Before her parents and the adults in her life could find out about the pregnancy, she attempted to git rid of it three times. She said the third time, she couldn’t subject her body to invasive treatments any longer. Eventually, she was kicked out of school and became homeless for a while. Luckily, her father learned of the situation and decided to bring her home and encouraged her to study for the Local State exams (Diplome D’Etat), which she earned with high accolades.

Her parents adopted her baby while Leontine went on to get her college degree and become a college professor at a girls’ college. She was a champion for women education until she passed away. While living, her dream was to start a school for girls. Though she is no longer in the physical, her spirit is strong and continues to inspire the work ahead.

Fast forward, her daughter, Leonie, is now a passionate avid advocate for African underserved populations, particularly women. She believes in this cause so profoundly that she has dedicated her life purpose to the mission. Leonie has been supporting the activities with her own money until now…

Please join the village, and let’s make this world a little less scary for young mothers regardless of their circumstances because pregnancy should not be the end of a girl’s dream of a brighter future.

Making Change Possible

Founded in 2022, educationseeds.org has made tremendous impact thanks to the commitment of Leonie Williams to paying it forward and giving back. Leonie is aware of the fact that she could have also been a teenage parent but she had the opportunity to attend private school like her mother, travel to USA, get married and have children of her own. The core of our work lies in the continuous passion and dedication we bring to the range of projects we take part in already. Some of the projects we have been working on since 2010. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a meaningful difference in the lives of teenage mothers in Africa.

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